Let's get better together! We're looking for you to suggest and vote on your most-requested features. With your help, we want to turn today's good product into next school year's great product!
Allow more than 3 buildings
The caseload configuration currently enforces a maximum of 3 buildings. It would be nice if an arbitrary number of buildings could be added.
I'm pleased to report that this has been implemented. You can now include an arbitrary number of buildings to your caseload. Please email us at help@slpscheduler.com if you have any problems or questions. Thanks for your patience!
Add "next" button to cycle sequentially through students
Right now, visiting each student sequentially requires manually selecting them, one at a time, from the list of students.
Would be nice if there were a "next" button of sorts.
Allow AM and PM preschool to be separated out without specifying multiple Student Rotations
Right now, the only feasible way to separate out AM and PM preschool is to specify multiple Student Rotations, which is overkill when the same days of the week are used.
Improve how the scheduler handles situations like this to avoid unnecessarily cascading multiple Student Rotations.
Add a new "Minimize Bonus Overtime" optimization preference
The whole "can optionally dismiss at" thing causes problems....not horrible problems but I'm curious if there's a parameter I can set as important that has to do with matching session lengths for kids...
Thanks so much!
Add ability to specify a "Prefer Not" availability entry for the therapist
Many times, a therapist is asked to keep certain blocks free. However, it may be negotiable depending on the size of a caseload.
This request is to add another element to the availability entry dropdown. Along with "Must Not", this would also add a new "Prefer Not" field.
Set default for service minutes to "rotation" instead of quarter
In my experience, most SLP's write their service minutes either weekly or monthly, not quarterly. It would have saved a lot of clicks if "rotation" was the default.
I'm pleased to announce that this feature request has been completed, and will roll out to the servers later today.
An overwhelming 74% of sessions in last year's caseload data used "Rotation". Only 10% used "Quarter".
Thanks for the tip!
Since SLP Scheduler is designed to run within a browser on any device, this feature is already provided by your browser. More information can be found here: How do I search within my caseload?
Hopefully, you'll need to do less searching to start with, with the implementation of the following feature: Simplify caseload entry when multiple students have same availability restrictions
Add a memo/comment field for every teacher
Add a "memo" or "comment" field for every teacher, that would allow miscellaneous notes of any type (including numbers). This could contain room numbers, building names, hallway locations, or even grade-level reminders (all of which might leverage numbers).
Reduce scrolling in Caseload Editor
I would love to have tabs at the top or on the side of the "edit caseload" page (ex. one for each of the subheadings like buildings, teachers, teachers, class schedules, etc.). It is so much to scroll through up and down the way it is now and would make it faster for me to make changes, especially at the beginning of the year.
This feature has been completed, and is now live on slpscheduler.com. The new version of the Caseload Editor now contains a tabbed interface, with sections for each logical area. The need for scrolling is much reduced.
Please let us know what you think!
Add ability to upload CSV file containing student/session data
CSV file with name, grade, teacher
Customer support service by UserEcho