
Set default for service minutes to "rotation" instead of quarter

tashachaney 9 years ago updated by Jonathan (Founder) 8 years ago 2

In my experience, most SLP's write their service minutes either weekly or monthly, not quarterly. It would have saved a lot of clicks if "rotation" was the default.



I'm pleased to announce that this feature request has been completed, and will roll out to the servers later today.

An overwhelming 74% of sessions in last year's caseload data used "Rotation".  Only 10% used "Quarter".

Thanks for the tip!

Under review

This is very helpful. Thanks for your attention to detail!


I'm pleased to announce that this feature request has been completed, and will roll out to the servers later today.

An overwhelming 74% of sessions in last year's caseload data used "Rotation".  Only 10% used "Quarter".

Thanks for the tip!