Let's get better together! We're looking for you to suggest and vote on your most-requested features. With your help, we want to turn today's good product into next school year's great product!
Improve mobile experience on iPhone/Android
Right now, webpages sometimes display with small text on mobile phone browsers. It's still readable if you zoom in, but makes it a bit of a hassle to use the site from a phone.
Consider improving the overall mobile experience.
Add ability to reveal previously generated schedules
Right now, if you generate schedules for one caseload, and then edit the caseload, all of the previously generated schedules disappear. It would be nice to show all previously created schedules.
Provide better alternatives with -100009 error code
When a user reaches the -100009 error code (which indicates there are too many "Must Not" availability entries to be fulfilled), there should be better instruction / next steps. Ideas include:
- Print (lack of) results, with complete caseload information, and certify to administration that listed criteria presents a mathematically infeasible caseload
- Provide easy means to convert some/all of the "Must Not" entries to "Prefer Not". Perhaps a single button click.
- Block repeated attempts to repeat scheduling, without first having reduced number of "Must Not"s.
Likely also applies to -100010.
Various accommodations were made to accomplish this, including making available ~12 caseload transformation operations that assist getting past errors like -100009 (and other errors). Many documentation updates have also been completed, with more to come.
Enter student data in grid format instead of a vertical form
I liked the support of inputting student information into the long form with helping descriptions, to be walked through the first student's information, but then after one or two kids I would prefer if it transferred into a grid/spreadsheet form for easier viewing. To change one student's info was hard, when you have to scroll up and find them in the list.
To avoid scrolling, we have switched to a tabbed layout for therapists, student rotations, and students. Hope this helps!
Specifying a time that occurs on every day of the week
Ability to add a specials or intervention schedule that occurs every day of the week, as opposed to having to enter it in each day.
Hello! If I'm understanding you properly, you can do this today by using an asterisk (*) in place of the day name.
For example, to specify every day at 10am, use:
* 10:00 AM
Does this answer your question?
Bilingual students
There needs to be a way to identity bilingual kids. Otherwise, the scheduler could group Spanish dominant students with English dominant students.
I'm pleased to announce that this feature has been added to SLP Scheduler! You'll now see the concept of Categories within the caseload editor.
Example category: Bilingual
- Yes
- No
Example category: First/Dominant Language
- Spanish
- English
- French
You can define whatever categories you like, and you can also define the list of possible values.
Thanks for the suggestion!
3:1 Model
I would really like to try and implement a modified 3:1 workload schedule. Would it be possible to have the scheduler create an "a" and a "b" schedule... so to create a "weeks 1-3 schedule" and then a "week 4" schedule? For example, if a kid requires 90 minutes a month, they would be seen during weeks 1-3. For those that have 120+ minutes a month, for the "weeks 1-3" schedule you can put 90 minutes into the time to be seen and then for the "week 4" schedule you can put 30 min (or whatever else is required) for the time. So for example, I would like to see my "speedy speech" kids individually during weeks 1-3 and then block out a 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, etc. articulation group for that 4th week. During that "week 4" time it would be great to be able to also block out observation times by grade level, assessment time, articulation or social practice groups by grade level, etc. Is this even possible?
Validation errors in caseload editor should be shown together next to 'Save' button
Right now, validation errors are only shown in context. This can be frustrating if you're trying to save, and it won't let you due to a validation error in an unknown location.
Customer support service by UserEcho