Your comments

I'm pleased to announce that this feature has been completed.  Easily readable explanations have been added to the caseload editor that explain (in plain terms) the valid character sets for each field.

The red text will remain, as it is helpful for validation in other contexts.  However, it is no longer required to stare at gibberish and somehow decipher what it means.  :)

This change will roll out to the servers overnight.

One idea for how to implement this is to add a button that will magically sort a caseload by grade levels.  The button could be used any time a new student is added to the caseload.

This feature hasn't been implemented yet, but it's close to one that just completed:  You'll now see the concept of Categories within the caseload editor.

Example category:  Bilingual

  • Yes
  • No

Example category:  First/Dominant Language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French

You can define whatever categories you like, and you can also define the list of possible values.

It's possible to use the concept of Categories to separate students accordingly, but it's not very helpful for cases where you have multiple groupings that you want to keep together (like Brenna mentioned above).

I'm keeping this feature request open to track future ideas on the topic, as well as the best way to implement it.

Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm pleased to announce that this feature has been added to SLP Scheduler!  You'll now see the concept of Categories within the caseload editor.

Example category:  Bilingual

  • Yes
  • No

Example category:  First/Dominant Language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French

You can define whatever categories you like, and you can also define the list of possible values.

Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm pleased to announce that this feature has been added to SLP Scheduler!  You'll now see the concept of Categories within the caseload editor.

Example category:  Bilingual

  • Yes
  • No

Example category:  First/Dominant Language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French

You can define whatever categories you like, and you can also define the list of possible values.

Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm pleased to announce that this feature request has been completed, and will roll out to the servers later today.

An overwhelming 74% of sessions in last year's caseload data used "Rotation".  Only 10% used "Quarter".

Thanks for the tip!