Your comments

This feature has been completed, and is now live on The new version of the Caseload Editor now contains the ability to copy all kinds of items in lists, including one of a student's listed sessions.

Please let us know what you think!

This feature has been completed, and is now live on The new version of the Caseload Editor now contains the ability to copy all kinds of items in lists, including an entire student's information.

Please let us know what you think!

This feature has been completed, and is now live on  The new version of the Caseload Editor now contains a tabbed interface, with sections for each logical area.  The need for scrolling is much reduced.

Please let us know what you think!

Optionally, any Classroom Schedules for the chosen teacher could be overlaid (in a separate color) on top of the therapy schedule for students in that teacher's class.