What do the Scores mean?

When the engine is hard at work generating your schedules, you can track its progress from your caseload page. On it, there is a table that shows the status of all of the candidate schedules. A score for each one can be seen in the "Score" column.

If the scheduler has completed with one of the error codes, or if the scheduler is still "Solving" but has been stuck on one of the error codes for over an hour, check out the associated troubleshooting guide for tips.

Score Description Troubleshooting Guide
-100290 The scheduling engine is placing each student's sessions the designated number of days apart from each other Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100290
-100180 The scheduling engine is working to ensure that sessions don't interrupt other sessions Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100180
-100170 The scheduling engine is working to ensure that students aren't scheduled for multiple sessions at the same time Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100170
-100150 The scheduling engine is working to ensure that all “Must (Only)” groupings are respected Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100150
-100140 The scheduling engine is working to ensure that students with an "Individual" Delivery Model are seen by themselves Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100140
-100125 The scheduling engine is working to provide sufficient travel time between sessions when adjacent sessions in different buildings Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100125
-100120 The scheduling engine is working to respect each therapist's maximum group size Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100120
-100080 The scheduling engine is working to ensure that all students in each session are in the same building Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100080
-100070 The scheduling engine is working to respect each therapist's maximum grade span Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100070
-100050 The scheduling engine is working to ensure that students in each session do not mix categories under Topic #1 Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100050
-100030 The scheduling engine is working to ensure that students in each session do not mix categories under Topic #2 Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100030
-100020 The scheduling engine is working to ensure that all “Must Not” groupings are respected Troubleshooting Guide for Error -100020
-100010The scheduling engine is working to ensure that students with a "Group" Delivery Model are seen in a groupTroubleshooting Guide for Error -100010
<other negative number> The scheduling engine has found a plausible schedule. The fact that this number is negative is irrelevant. No troubleshooting necessary. If it hasn't already, the scheduler will complete with viable candidate schedules.
<other positive number>
The scheduling engine has found a plausible schedule No troubleshooting necessary. If it hasn't already, the scheduler will complete with viable candidate schedules.

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