Can you guarantee that I'll find my perfect schedule?

We want you to be ecstatic about your schedule this school year.  And we'll work our tails off to see that happen.

We can guarantee that, if you follow our best practices, we'll get you a great workable schedule to start your school year.

Due to the mathematical complexities of what we're trying to accomplish, however, we're unable to guarantee that you'll find a schedule that fits all of your constraints. When it comes down to it, there's only so much time in a week, and we're dealing with mathematics, not magic. Sometimes there is simply no way to fit the available puzzle pieces together.

If it's mathematically impossible to fit in your entire caseload while respecting all of the constraints you're required to follow, you can take your results from the SLP Scheduler to your administration, and explain the mathematical problems with what they're asking from you. (You're not a magician, either.)  Don't worry, we can help you with that, too.

If it becomes clear that we're not able to give you even a good starting point, you're welcome to cancel at anytime during your free trial, and you won't be charged.

We stand behind our technology.  If, at some point, you think you've outsmarted our scheduling engine, please check out our "(Wo)man vs. Machine" Challenge.

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