Do I need to block out time for testing, billing, or paperwork?

Generally, the answer to all of these questions is "no."  You do not need to block out time for testing, billing, paperwork, etc.

By default, the scheduling engine will attempt to give you large blocks of unscheduled time in every schedule that it generates.  The engine makes decisions about scheduling that result in the largest possible free blocks, which means that they might occur anywhere in your schedule.  It's generally best to let the schedule optimize this on its own, on your behalf.  This means omitting any special "Must Not" therapist availability entries for things like testing, billing, paperwork, etc.

If you've tried letting the scheduler handle it, and the it doesn't carve out sufficient time for your required activities, try scheduling again--but this time with your caseload Preference for "Maximize Productivity" set to 10.

There are a (seldom) few scenarios where it might make sense to enter special "Must Not" therapist availability entries for things like testing, billing, paperwork, etc.:

  • If you require that one of these activities takes place during a specific day/time
  • If your caseload has so many sessions that the scheduler doesn't carve out sufficient time for your required activities

In these scenarios, it's okay to add special "Must Not" therapist availability entries for required activities.  Just be sure to add them at days/times that don't place unnecessary constraints on the rest of your schedule.

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