
Add graphical result format

Jonathan (Founder) 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 5

Right now, results can only be displayed in text in HTML (for viewing on the web/mobile browser). Add a graphical result format, so that a schedule can be visualized at a glance. (Think weekly view in Google Calendar.)



I'm pleased to report that this feature has been completed and is now live on slpscheduler.com.  You can peruse your historically generated schedules by visiting https://slpscheduler.com/scheduler/history/, and see how your schedule looks when graphically displayed in the new format.  Please send feedback to help@slpscheduler.com.


What does the schedule look like when printed out? I will need to send paper schedules to my administrators.


I'm pleased to report that this feature has been completed and is now live on slpscheduler.com.  You can peruse your historically generated schedules by visiting https://slpscheduler.com/scheduler/history/, and see how your schedule looks when graphically displayed in the new format.  Please send feedback to help@slpscheduler.com.
