
Add the concept of a "category" to each student, and separate groups based on categories

Jonathan (Founder) 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

This is a request to add the concept of a category. It can be anything, and it can have any number of options.

For example, a category for first language:

  • English
  • Spanish

Each student in the caseload would choose one item from the category. The scheduler would keep students having different categories separated.

This is related to the following other feature requests:



I'm pleased to announce that this feature has been added to SLP Scheduler!  You'll now see the concept of Categories within the caseload editor.

Example category:  Bilingual

  • Yes
  • No

Example category:  First/Dominant Language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French

You can define whatever categories you like, and you can also define the list of possible values.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Satisfaction mark by Jonathan (Founder) 8 years ago

I'm pleased to announce that this feature has been added to SLP Scheduler!  You'll now see the concept of Categories within the caseload editor.

Example category:  Bilingual

  • Yes
  • No

Example category:  First/Dominant Language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French

You can define whatever categories you like, and you can also define the list of possible values.

Thanks for the suggestion!