
Bilingual students

gotmilk3415 9 years ago updated by Jonathan (Founder) 8 years ago 4

There needs to be a way to identity bilingual kids. Otherwise, the scheduler could group Spanish dominant students with English dominant students.



I'm pleased to announce that this feature has been added to SLP Scheduler!  You'll now see the concept of Categories within the caseload editor.

Example category:  Bilingual

  • Yes
  • No

Example category:  First/Dominant Language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French

You can define whatever categories you like, and you can also define the list of possible values.

Thanks for the suggestion!


I'm pleased to announce that this feature has been added to SLP Scheduler!  You'll now see the concept of Categories within the caseload editor.

Example category:  Bilingual

  • Yes
  • No

Example category:  First/Dominant Language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French

You can define whatever categories you like, and you can also define the list of possible values.

Thanks for the suggestion!